Substance addiction is extremely difficult to overcome. Addictive substances, by their very nature, are chemically composed of habit-forming elements. But it is possible to recover from addiction with the right help and support.

There are a variety of types of therapy for substance abuse used to help patients overcome addiction and develop healthy behaviors that can prevent relapse. Here are a few of the many successful therapies that have proven to be highly effective.


The broad term of psychotherapy refers to the concept of talk therapy. Talk therapy is essentially just what it sounds like, talking about your thoughts and feelings with a trained therapist. Sometimes just the act of opening up and talking things out can be a major step in the right direction for someone suffering from addiction.

There are two subcategories under the umbrella of psychotherapy:

      • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. This therapy involves the process of identifying misconceptions a patient may have about themselves, others, or the world, often negative conceptions. The therapy then aims to correct these negative thoughts and promote positive, healthy ways of thinking and subsequent actions.
      • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. When mental health symptoms are severe, whether manifesting as substance addiction or other harmful behaviors, the patient may be a danger to themselves or others. Dialectical behavioral therapy encourages emotional regulation in particularly difficult situations.

Psychotherapy Types:

Psychotherapy is put into practice in a variety of different formats depending on the needs of the patient. It may look like:

      • Individual therapy. In some cases therapy may be delivered on an individual basis, just the patient and the therapist talking one on one.
      • Group therapy. Many people benefit from group therapy, talking about their struggles with others who have had similar experiences. People struggling with addiction can empathize with each other and learn healthy habits from each other.
      • Marital therapy. When one spouse’s addiction negatively impacts the marriage, marital therapy is often an effective practice. It can not only help a person overcome their addiction, but help to repair the damage addiction can inflict on the marriage relationship.
      • Family therapy. A person’s addiction can negatively impact the entire family and everyone who cares about him or her. It can affect children, parents, siblings, and other close family members, making relationships strained. Family therapy can help to repair family relationships in the aftermath of addiction.

Any one or a combination of these therapies may be used to help a person overcome addiction and facilitate healthy relationships with loved ones following substance abuse.

Additional Therapies to Help with Recovery

Rehabilitation centers offer a variety of different types of therapy for substance abuse to help patients overcome addiction and live happier lives. Some of those therapies include:

      • Art therapy. Through art therapy patients connect the world as they imagine it to the world as it truly exists, learning about their own minds and emotions through artistic expression.
      • Music therapy. Music therapy can consist of a wide variety of musical expression from creating music, learning an instrument, singing, dancing, or listening. Music can be an outlet for emotions and inner thoughts that a patient may not otherwise be able to express. Expression in and of itself is therapeutic.  
      • Yoga. Yoga addresses both the physical and spiritual self. Yoga is a training of the body and the mind to move and think in different ways, increasing positive energy from within. It is effective as a substance abuse therapy because it can be relaxing and a stress reliever, offering patients a healthier way to manage stress instead of turning to substances.
      • Mindfulness. Connecting with nature is the goal of mindfulness. By spending time in the natural world patients can get in touch with their primal needs and reset their thinking to eliminate negative though patterns and stress. Plenty of fresh air and sunshine has been proven to promote health and mental wellness.
      • Food therapy. Eating healthy, whole foods contributes to physical and mental health. When the body receives the nourishment it needs, there is less of a tendency to feed it unhealthy things, like alcohol or drugs.

These types of therapy for alcoholism and substance abuse may all be used in conjunction to meet the needs of a recovering patient. A comprehensive therapy plan will be created for each patient to meet their individual needs, using some or all of the above treatments.

Find the Help You or a Loved One Needs to Overcome Addiction

If you or a loved one suffers from substance abuse, there is hope. New Hope Ranch is a treatment center located just outside of Austin, Texas offering alcohol and drug rehab services. Accredited by the joint commission, New Hope Ranch treats patients through various types of therapy for alcoholism and substance abuse.

Call (512) 298-4379 today to speak with a staff member or fill out the request form and someone will contact you. 
