Seasonal changes can bring about new and different triggers, including some that you may not have realized were triggers for you in the first place. Summer is well-known for being the happiest of seasons, usually packed with activities and things to do. As fun as summer is, it can also bring about some unexpected feelings and triggers — especially this year with the dangers of Coronavirus constantly lurking. Keep reading to find out more about the 4 most common summer triggers and how to overcome them so that you can have an enjoyable, sober summer.

#1 of 4 Common Summer Triggers: Traveling

One of the most common summer triggers is traveling. Even though the Coronavirus has botched most people’s travel plans, you might be one of the many people who feel comfortable going on a staycation to get a change of scenery. No matter what your travel plans may or may not be this year, getting out of your normal environment and into a relaxing, carefree one can be triggering, especially when traveling with a group of people.

Ways to overcome this trigger include:

Make sure you’re not the only sober one on the trip and that you have sober support to lean on
Preplan and find activities to do while you’re gone so that drinking and using substances doesn’t become the group’s only plans. Find local hiking trails, boat rentals, or daytime excursions
Keep busy during the trip, such as being the house’s chef or itinerary planner
If you feel it might be too much for you, sit this trip out

#2 Common Summer Trigger: The Water

The water can be a common summer trigger for many people. This includes the pool, the beach, the lake, the river, or any other kind of body of water. The water has an amazing ability to relax us, make us forget our problems, and bring about happiness. However, for many people in recovery, the water can also equate to a cold beer or the like. This can make it difficult to relax around the water without having cravings.

Ways to overcome this trigger include:

Bring your own cooler with your own drinks. This way, you don’t have to rely on others to provide nonalcoholic drinks, and not using someone else’s cooler means yours won’t be mixed in next to triggering drinks.
Find activities to do at the water that bring you joy, such as jet skiing or swimming with the kids, so that your cravings are given less power every time you go.

#3 Common Summer Trigger: More Time Off

For many individuals, the summer means having more free time. This time of year is typically when people cash in their vacation time or are on summer vacation. Especially now with the social health measures related to Coronavirus, many people are still working from home and are able to sneak out of the house to enjoy the weather. This extra time off can quickly lead to boredom, which is one of the first signs a relapse can be looming.

Ways to avoid this trigger include:

Make plans to keep yourself busy, even if it’s as simple as cleaning around your house
Spend time with others, even if it is virtually or over the phone

#4 Common Summer Trigger: COVID Frustration

One of the newest summer triggers, which is quickly becoming one of the most common summer triggers this year, is dealing with COVID frustration. It’s now been about 4 months since the start of the pandemic in our country, and people are becoming restless especially now that it is summer. Canceled vacations, weddings and other milestone events you can no longer attend, music festivals that are off, not being able to visit theme parks, and the inability to travel can cause a lot of frustration which could potentially lead to a relapse.

Ways to avoid summer trigger include:

Talk to someone. Make sure you are keeping up with your regular meetings and therapy sessions so that somebody knows how you feel.
Make some plans this summer whether it is a staycation at a local AirBnB, attending virtual events, or just taking a long drive once a week to get out of your normal surroundings

About New Hope

New Hope Ranch is a residential treatment center focusing on prevention, assessment, treatment, and reintegration for people suffering from substance abuse. Services are provided on our beautiful 49-acre ranch just 15 minutes from downtown Austin, Texas.

New Hope Ranch’s mission has two basic purposes: to improve social behavior and enhance personal recovery and growth. The organization has a culture of innovation that thrives on the creation of new services that meet the community’s needs while maintaining effectiveness, excellence, and professionalism. New Hope Ranch values an integrated system of high-quality care focused on best practices, easy access to services, and providing a full range of services in an efficient manner.

Our Treatment Philosophy consists of providing the highest quality services while ensuring that each patient has a personalized treatment plan. New Hope Ranch met the rigorous standards and regulations the Joint Commission requires for a behavioral health provider to achieve accreditation and we strive every day to represent our gold standard joint commission accreditation proudly.

Contact us today for more information on our treatment program.